트루씨 레드오메가3 (60 소프트젤)
아스타잔틴이 함유된 TRUE SEA RED OMEGA 3
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True Sea 레드 오메가 -3는 무엇이 다른가?
일반적으로 오메가3는 생선 기름 지방산( EPA 및 DHA)으로 귀, 뇌, 눈 및 면역 건강에 도움을 줍니다. 그럼 이 트루씨 레드 오메가 3는 무엇이 다를까요?
많은 분들이 크릴(새우) 오일을 먹는 이유는 그 안의 아스타잔틴(ASTAXANTHIN)을 먹기 위해서 입니다. 그러나 크릴 오일 제품에 함유되어 있는 아스타잔틴의 양은 매우 적습니다 . 또한 EPA 와 DHA의 양도 매우 적습니다.
나노웰의 True Sea 레드 오메가 -3에는 아스타잔틴이 4mg, EPA 와 DHA는 약 1200mg이나 됩니다.
또한 이 제품의 생선기름은 순도를 보장하기 위해 심해 어유 (멸치)로 만들어지며 GMO가 아닌 성분만을 사용하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 인공 색소와 방부제도 사용하지 않습니다.
성분: 심해 생선 오일 1714mg
EPA 857mg
DHA 343mg
아스타잔틴 4mg
비타민 E 10mg
Caution: 임신, 육아, 약을 복용 중이거나, 수술을 받거나, 특별한 건강 상태에 있는 경우 이
제품을 복용하기 전에 의료 전문가와 상의하십시오. 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관
하십시오. 뚜껑 아래의 내부 씰이 없거나 손상된 경우에는 사용하지 마십시오.
* 이 제품은 질병을 치료하거나 예방하기 위한 것이 아닙니다
트루씨 레드오메가3 (60 소프트젤)
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Americans as a population do not eat that much seafood. Given how toxic the oceans and rivers have become with runoffs, heavy metals, and other toxins, that may not be a bad thing. However, that also means that people are not getting enough essential oils like omega 3, DHA, and EPA. That is because an excellent source of these essential oils come from aquatic life.This supplement has the essential oils as well as the red anti-oxidant Astaxanthin which comes from algae. Overall, this is a good formulation containing re-esterified triglyceride (rTG) form of omega-3 that is more bioavailable than traditional fish oil. That also means that it is better tolerated with fewer gastrointestinal side effects for those with sensitive stomachs.Beware, the gelatin pills are the large ones. Wish they made these in micro gels. Overall, we all need essential oils and supplementation may be one of the safer way to get it.I gives this product 3.5 stars. A half star is deducted since the company does not provide specific details in how their product is made. For example, how did they purify out the heavy metals and other toxins from the source?
The benefits of EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) are well-known and supplementation is well worth the price, if you can afford it. I have not experienced any stomach upset or aftertaste with this product, and recommend it for those who can budget for it.
I'm almost out of these and will have to order more soon! I love these! I always take Omega-3 supplements, and some seem to work better than others, some taste yucky and some seem to do nothing. These work wonderfully and they taste and smell so nice! They have a nice citrus smell and taste and they come individually wrapped in foil push-through packaging (blister packs), so they're always soft, fresh and citrus smelling - and never stuck together!The serving is 2 softgels per day and it's one of those supplements that is so pleasant to take, you won't "forget" to take them, you'll look forward to it! You only get a month supply, so it's slightly over a dollar a day, cost wise. Taking this particular Omega supplement has increased the health and growth rate of my hair and that's a massive plus for me- since that's one of my most desired supplement effects! I love that it has astaxanthin in it too- a bonus for my hair and skin too! :D
My wife has been taking fish oil capsules for years. These are good capsules individually sealed in a blister pack to ensure freshness. She says she can tell no difference in this brand and that there is no after taste.