B컴플렉스 500 (60 소프트젤)
B 컴플렉스 500 + 알부민
나노웰 B-Complex 500 + 알부민은 비타민 B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 와 엽산, 비오틴, 판토테닉 에시드 그리고 알부민이 들어있는 비타민B 복합 영양제입니다.
B-Complex 500 + 알부민은 체내 에너지대사 촉진에 도움을 주고, 심장 및 신경계와 면역체계에 도움이 됩니다. 일상에서 생기는 스트레스의 조절이 용이하도록 도우며, 항산화 효과를 기대할 수 있습니다. 또한, 비타민B군 중 엽산은 임산부의 건강과 태아의 혈관 발달에 중요한 역할을 합니다.
이제 나노웰 B-Complex 500 + 알부민으로 활력과 생기를 되찾으세요!
하루 권장 섭취량: 한 알씩, 하루 두번 식사와 함께 드세요.
INGREDIENTS: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Inositol, Albumin, Purified Water, Safflower oil, Palm Oil, Bees Wax, Gelatin (Porcine), Soy Lecithin, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Caramel, Titanium Dioxide, Beet Root Red
주의사항: 이 제품을 드시고 피부가 일시적으로 붉어지는 현상이 있을 수 있습니다. 임산부나 질병으로 병원에 다니시는 분은 주치의 또는 의사와 상의하시고 섭취하시기를 권장합니다.
B컴플렉스 500 (60 소프트젤)
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This looks like really high quality product. I think the individually packaged gels are over the top, but hey! some people would prefer that and I can’t blame them. The content is what I expect, and more, for a B complex multi. It is certainly, not your budget vitamin caps/gels, though.
I felt some nice energy from this b complex. The after taste isn't bad at all and the pill goes down easy.
I like the way these are packaged, they're in the blister style where each capsule is individually sealed which definitely helps to keep them fresh longer. The box they are in is not comically oversized either like I often see with supplements, it's made just perfect size to fit the capsules.All the ingredients seem to be of good quality, have been taking them for a few weeks now and have not noticed any ill effects.
Good value!
A very nice supplement. It combines all the different B-Vitamins into one convenient source.They are packed in capsules, medium sized, and easy to swallow. The dose is 2 capsules per day. Since I follow a very healthy and diverse diet, I am only taking a B-Complex for a bit of extra support. As such, a single capsule is sufficient, as just one capsule will provide 250% of the daily requirements of the various B-Vitamins. This makes this order last for 2 months for me.They come in a blister pack instead of a bottle, which makes them effectively individually wrapped. There is no unpleasant smell to the capsule, unlike some B-Vitamins I have taken in the past. In fact, there is no odor to these capsules.