3H 콜라겐 (60 스틱)
Aging과 콜라겐의 상관관계
- 나이가 들어감에 따라 인체의 콜라겐은 파괴되며, 파괴되는 만큼 새로 만드는 것이 쉽지 않습니다.
20대부터 체내 콜라겐 양이 줄어들고 40대에 이르면 10대에 비해 40% 콜라겐이 감소하며, 60대가 되면 10대에 비해 60%가 감소합니다.
콜라겐 부족은 피부 노화와 관적 약화등의 증상을 유발시킬 수 있습니다.
- 콜라겐은 신체에서 가장 풍부한 단백질이며 건강한 모발, 피부, 손톱, 뼈, 관절, 결합 조직 및 근육을 지원합니다.
Nanowell 3H Collagen은 3가지 타입의 콜라겐을 함유한 제품입니다.
TYPE I - 피부, 머리카락, 손톱, 근육, 인대, 힘줄, 뼈, 잇몸, 치아, 눈, 혈관 등의 구조 형성에 중요한 형태입니다.
TYPE II - 연골, 귀, 코, 기관지, 흉곽을 형성에 중요한 형태이다.
TYPE III - 타입 I과 함께 망막섬유, 뼈, 연골, 골수, 심혈관 조직 등 연결조직과 함께 작용합니다.
Nawnowell 3H Collagen은 체네 흡수를 높이기 위해 1000dalton의 저분자 콜라겐을 함유한 제품입니다.
- 세포와 기질, 단백질 확장성과 탄성을 보장하는 성분으로 피부, 대동맥, 심장 판막, 폐조직, 인대, 연골 등의 대부분의 인체 기관에 영향을
미치는 성분입니다.
히알루론산(Hyaluronic Acid)
- 콜라겐과 엘라스틴의 합성을 촉진하고, 연조직의 성장을 도우며 피부 보습, 탄력성 개선을 돕습니다.
콜라겐 합성을 촉진하는 물질들(What Promotes Collagen Production ?)
- 비타민 C : 콜라겐 합성에 필요한 보조 인자
- 비타민 A : 자연적인 피부 노화를 방지하고 콜라겐 합성을 촉진한는 물질
- 비타민 E : 혈류를 자극하여 콜라겐 생성 촉진
3H 콜라겐 (60 스틱)

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This is an effective collagen supplement. It contains three forms of collagen and is naturally sweetened with Xylitol and Stevia. There is no artificial flavoring and it mixes easily with no clumping. One box offers a one month supply. I do like having the stick packs, so I can carry them on the go. It is Gluten free, cGMP certified, third party tested, and Made in the USA. It has a smooth flavor with no aftertaste. I experienced no upset stomach or other unwanted side effects. They also added Vitamin A, C, E, Hyaluronic Acid, and Pomegranate fruit concentrate. So far, I am very happy using this Collagen supplement.
As K-beauty follower, tried diversity of collagens ever since hitting 30’s. I don’t like drinking too much water especially with flavors so dissolving ones wasn’t the right one for me. This product was a typical Korean style one where you can just open and pop it in the mouth. Easy to carry around and loved the taste which was exactly what I was looking for. And it really does it’s job. I’ve been taking them before/after my laser treatments and skin recovery is much faster than before. I’m sticking to this product for sure!
This collagen powder is distributed in sticks so no measuring is needed. Suggested use is one stick twice a day mixed in a beverage. No specific amount of fluid is recommended so I mixed with a half glass of water. It is difficult to mix and I used a mixer. This resulted in a thick texture with a faint fruity flavor.I like that this made in the USA and is third party tested. It contains type I, II, and III collagen. However, is no information provided on type of animal used (though it does mention that it contains fish, however fish does not provide the three types of collagen listed) where it came from, and if it was ethically sourced.There is information missing regarding this product. I appreciate that this product does not come in plastic container. It tastes good and is easy to drink. I have tolerated it well so far.
This collagen supplement tastes so good. It dissolves easily and is competes with the name brands.
I really like this supplement, I've tried it several different ways, in water, in juice and just downing the powder in my mouth which has turned out to be my favorite way as I don't have to worry about lumps being stuck at the bottom of my glass. The flavor is pleasant but note that they are sweetened with xylitol so please keep away from your canine friends. One of my favorite things about these is where it says "tear here to open" it actually tears easily (how many times does a product say tear here and you fight it until you go and find a pair of scissors?).